Online Kitesurfmagazine
In Belgium, a number of standard rules apply to kite surfing. This is checked and fines can be issued.
In Belgium there are 4 main rules that every kite surfer must adhere to:
1.1. Each kite must be equipped with a safe and working kiteleash.
1.2. Each kite is equipped with a quick and easy to activate quick release system that depowers the kite 100% under all circumstances.
1.3. Wearing an isothermal suit in good condition is mandatory in the insertion zone.
1.4. Wearing an isothermal suit + impact or life jacket + means of sending emergency signals is mandatory in the coastal and sea zone.
1.5. Wearing a helmet is highly recommended and mandatory if a board leash is used.
2.1. The kite surfer is a member of the recognized WWSV club.
2.2. The kitesurfer registers for every kitesurfing session at the nearest surf club.
2.3. Mandatory attachment of the kiteleash and control of bar, lines and kite before taking off the kite.
2.4. Take-off and landing of the kite only in the designated launch zone.
2.5. No tricks (jumping) on the beach, surf kites are made for the water.
2.6. After taking off, go into the water as quickly as possible and only via the insertion zone.
2.7. Kitesurfing is only allowed in the pier, coast and sea zone.
2.8. Do not go more than 2 nautical miles into the sea.
2.9. Respect the priority rules on the water. (see point 4)
2.10. Never sail with an offshore wind.
2.11. Respect guidelines from (club) rescuers, and leave the water in the event of an upcoming storm.
2.12. It is strongly advised not to go alone or unsupervised on the water.
2.13. Kitesurfing is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.
2.14. Once the kite is put down: cover the kite abundantly with sand and roll up the lines.
2.15. Keep an eye on each other and respect each other!
3.1. The kitesurfer can kitesurf independently if he has the kitesurfing certificate of competence. This is proof that he has acquired all the basic skills described in the Sport Vlaanderen certification: “kitesurfing basis 2” or “IKO level 2”.
3.2. The kite surfer will have to take lessons if he does not meet point 3.1
3.3. The kite surfer knows the environment and weather conditions of the surf spot.
3.4. The kite surfer has control over kite and board under all circumstances.
3.5. The kite surfer knows the rules and rules of conduct of the surf spot.
3.6. The kite surfer has mastered the self-rescue techniques and knows how to assist other kite surfers in need.
4.1. Port takes precedence over starboard. (the surfer with the kite over port has priority, or more easily: the surfer with the right hand for navigation has priority)
4.2. A faster surfer must overtake a slower one.
4.3. A surfer who passes or crosses upwind must keep his kite high, the other surfer keeps his kite low.
4.4. A surfer must have a clear zone of 50m downwind and 30m upwind before starting a jump.