Online Kitesurfmagazine
by Leonie
Our regular guest blogger Kriss Sutherland has tested the Eleveight Process 2020 for us and has written a review.
The process is a high performance freeride board that is full of innovative technologies which ensures that this board is suitable for all conditions. Even with light wind conditions, this board is suitable because this board planes quickly at the least power input.
Many chop and hard landings? Due to the good flex of the board this is not a problem. This board is definitely recommended for those who like to jump high and spend many hours on the water.
The Process 2020 comes in the following dimensions:
The first thing that strikes me is that the construction and design of the board is different from other twin tips boards. Eleveight would like to make its own mark and be visible in this way within the kite scene.
A matte finish layer is used, the board has a thick rail and the handle is made of a soft foam. The board has been given a sober and stylish design and the light colors will certainly help you find your board if you have lost it.
The board has a lot of flex and apparently according to the designer, the smaller the size, the more flex. The core of the board is made of lightweight paulownia wood and comes standard with the airgo bindings from Eleveight.
Why a thick rail?
Why a matte layer?
Eleveight clearly opts for performace: a thick, more expensive rail in exchange for a matte, cheaper top layer.
Why a soft foam grip?
This choice has been made for safety reasons.
Soft material is less sensitive to injury. Although I must say that I have never suffered an injury due to the grip of my board. Whether the grip is just as strong will have to be seen.
The Process has a medium stage 3 rocker which ensures a lot of pop, good upwind and early planning. A single concave with tip channels and, as mentioned earlier, a thick rail provides more grip and quicker planning
The board has a sturdy set of G10 fins of 45 mm. Eleveight has been using this type and model of fins for years, it works well, so leave it that way!
You get standard airgo bindings from Eleveight. The pad is quite thick but very soft which ensures a good absorption of shocks which you will certainly notice while riding. It gives you a very soft rider feeling.
The straps are just as soft on the inside as the pads and are very comfortable in combination with the pads. What I like about these straps is that they are very easy to adjust by using them. 2 overlapping velcro straps without compromising on comfort. With this system of adjustment you can quickly adjust your straps a bit more tightly or loosely while riding without making sure that it fits less well after the adjustment. You see more and more brands with straps that you can adjust completely.
Okay ‘nough detail, ride that board!
The size that we tested is 132 X 39.5. We (the 2 testers) love small boards and therefore this choice. We were able to test the board with wind around 14 knots and one time around 30 knots.
We immediately noticed how soft this board was. I used to sail with a brand that mainly made hard boards and this was quite a change. The impact of chop on my knees is considerably less, the soft feeling takes some getting used to because the feeling with the water is really different.
Because the board has a thick rail, we wondered if the carving works just as well as with a board with a thin rail, so apparently this goes just as well. The board really well and cuts smoothly through the water. The board went upwind smoothly during a low wind session. The board is very agile and playful. The board has enough pop and jumping is smooth with of course nice and soft landings.
The bindings are easy on your feet, stay in place while riding and give you a lot of comfort. Adjusting the bindings is easy and fast. Our first impression was certainly positive and we look forward to more.
The Eleveight Process 2020 is a great free ride board for choppy water, the bindings are good and are easily adjustable. Just test it!
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