Online Kitesurfmagazine
by Leonie
The Board Off kitesurfing trick is as old as the road to Rome. This old school trick is completely back!
Board Off is a kite surfing trick that you often see during kite jumps. If you jump high you have time for something else, the Board Off trick is a much seen move among kite surfers. It is important to put your board “on” again, otherwise the landing will be a bit difficult and I am not talking about kitesurfing yet.
The Board Off trick is actually very simple: “take your board off your feet and then put it on again!”
To perform the trick , you must first do a Board Grab. That means that you have to grab your board somewhere. Twintips usually have a handle, otherwise you grab your board there which is easiest for you. Then slide your board off your feet and woo hoo there you have your first Board Off trick.
In order to perform your Board Off trick properly, a high jump is essential, because all in all it takes some seconds. You can quickly make a high jump, especially if you have a good kicker. As soon as your board is off and on again, you can start landing.
In recent years there has been increasing jumps, there was at the time of the WOO 1, 15 to 16 meters super high, with the arrival of the WOO 3 some kite surfers jump 30+ meters high. So the time you spend in the air is getting longer and longer. So it’s time to do even more tricks.
If you have your board off, you can show even more, so you can already see the Superman posture with a Board Off trick, you can also do the Sit on Board and who knows what else. Do you have a nice trick, let us know!
During the execution of a Megaloop, another trick is expected nowadays. Because, as said before, kite surfers have more airtime, so you can add something else. Lasse Walker , I think, started it: “the Board-off Megaloop combination. Although this does require some practice, because you have to feel comfortable in the air to perform this combination well, but then you have something.
To collect enough photo material for this article, we have placed a call on Facebook in NL Kitesurfers. The interest was so great that we can not post all the material, but we thank everyone for showing your Board Off tricks!
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